New Follower Gift

EDIT 2013: I am no longer offering this gift. If you request one, it will not be filled.

In addition to the love of painting and designing my nails, I've also always loved designing graphical work. Remember LiveJournal? I had a design request community there where people could request graphics they wanted made. I only had Paint Shop Pro back then, but I've recently upgraded to Photoshop and I'd like to share this with you all. I've had a good amount of experience, but it's always good to get more practice, so I'm offering up a gift.

All new followers can request one free graphic from me, just for following my blog. That's it!

So if you're interested, feel free to request one at this page here. (You can also access this link by clicking on the "New Follower Gift" link at the top of my blog.)

Feel free to tell your friends about it too.

I can't wait to see what people request and test my skills to meet their needs.


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