Post Party Pavement

It's getting cold! I just got back from a walk with Riley (our puppy) and damn! My fingers are almost too cold to hold a brush. I held it long enough to bring you guys today's manicure though. I call it "Post Party Pavement." Ever walked out of a club, a party or some other glitter-filled event and looked at the ground? It'll look something like this:

I used China Glaze's Pelican Gray (one of my favorite colors) and NYC's Starry Silver Glitter. I dulled it out with China Glaze's Matte Magic because frankly, I wasn't feeling shiny today. Like I said...too cold!

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Edit: This is my little blog and nail helper, Nugget. She thinks it's getting cold too.


  1. This really does look like the floor after a party! I love the combo and will have to try it myself.


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